
Child Behavior Problems

[headline_tahoma_large_centered color=”#AA0000″]Are You Feeling Challenged
By Your Child’s Behavior?[/headline_tahoma_large_centered]

… by your kid’s power struggles?
… by their whining or attitude?
… by their lack of follow through?
… by bed time & morning routines?
… homework not getting done?
… with sibling conflicts?
… with chores not getting done?
… or something else?

[headline_arial_small_centered color=”#23629f”]Our 6-part Free Blissful Parenting Kit will show you breakthrough techniques
that will help you to STOP bad child behavior for good![/headline_arial_small_centered]

[headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″]Follow More than 6,700 Subscribers and Master the Science of Blissful Parenting.[/headline_arial_small_centered][magicactionbox id=”1631″]

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[headline_arial_small_left color=”#23629f”]Want To Become A Happier Parent?[/headline_arial_small_left]You are about to embark on a transformational journey that will forever change the way you view yourself as a parent, as well as the relationships that you have with your children and your partner. You will discover in yourself a whole new awareness of your role as a parent that will affect the future behavior of your kids.

With this new awareness, you will become responsible for influencing how your children behave and how you and your partner respond to this behavior. This does not imply that you are to blame. Rather it suggests that you have more power available to you than you realize and that you can learn to wield it constructively.

You’ve definitely come to the right place if you are a parent or caregiver dealing with an unruly child, where it seems like there’s no way to make things right. The tantrums, the out-of-control behavior and the public displays of that behavior must stop.[headline_tahoma_large_centered color=”#000000″]Blissful Parenting Is A Positive Scream-Free Approach[/headline_tahoma_large_centered]It’s not positive thinking, that’s completely different. We’re talking about taking a positive approach. What is meant by a positive approach is this: taking actions in parenting that leave both you and your children feeling good about yourselves. When you feel good about yourself as a parent, what’s going to happen to your self-esteem and your confidence? They’re going to go up, right? What do you think is going to happen to your children’s self-esteem and confidence when yours improves? Naturally, it’s going to up for them as well.


When the self-esteem and confidence of both you and your child goes up, that’s when you are really going to start enjoying the positive experience that raising your children should be. When moods and mindsets improve, everyone feels good about themselves, as opposed to using punishments and disciplines that only serve to leave people feeling bad about themselves. After all, who says that we have to feel bad in order to do better? That’s what Blissful Parenting is all about.

[headline_arial_small_left color=”#23629f”]Tired of Yelling & Screaming At Your Kids?[/headline_arial_small_left]Many methods parents use today are done so on autopilot, or are nothing more than instinctual reactions to what’s going on – based on how they were themselves raised. Those techniques are, in most cases, actually causing children to feel bad about themselves, rather than feeling good. If it is important to you that your children have high confidence and high self-esteem, then it is important to know what the effect is that these other parenting techniques can have.

Here’s a scenario that’s probably all too familiar to you – say you go to the grocery store and see the family with the out-of-control kids. Their parent(s) don’t know what to do. It’s embarrassing and they can’t fix it, so they go nuts. All rational thought goes out the window. They start yelling, then screaming, then pleading, then arguing, then threatening. “I’m going to tantrum-300x226take this away if you don’t shape up!” All of these different responses come to the fore, and what effect do they have on the child?

Now imagine yourself in their shoes. Maybe you’ve been there more times than you’d like to recall. There’s no blame here, just bear in mind that going at it that way doesn’t leave the child feeling good about their self, and it certainly doesn’t feel good for you as a parent, does it? So it’s important to understand that a lot of these punishments and disciplines are often our own autopilot reactions that come up whenever we’re faced with a difficult situation. They aren’t the end-all be-all solution.

[content_box_light_blue width=”95%”][headline_arial_medium_left color=”#FF0000″]Scientists Discover The Secret To Child Behavior That Prevent Us From Getting Them To Pay Attention, Listen, And Behave![/headline_arial_medium_left]I’m reminded of a study that I read about when I was going through my life coach training. It suggested that by the time we turn 18 years old, 95% of the beliefs and behaviors that govern our autopilot reactions are already in place. That bears repeating: 95% of everything we believe and what we do/how we react to situations all comes together to drive our autopilot reactions. Let that sink in for a moment.

Think about it, some people have children by the time they are 18, but the idea of having kids wasn’t even on my radar at that time. I think back to the behaviors and the beliefs that I had then. Were they supportive of raising children? I have to say no. Were yours? Now where did that 95% of influence come from?


Those first 18 years molded us into who we are today. Do you want to know something else? Fully half of those influences were put in place by the time were 4, according to the study. So what does that mean? Where did these influences come from? Most of them would have come from how we were being raised. What were the reactions that we experienced as we grew up? What were our parents doing? What were our grandparents doing? What were our teachers doing? How were they reacting to us and our siblings and to the other children?

As children, we were like sponges. We took it all in whether we realized it or not. We were forming opinions, and developing behaviors. By the time we turned 18, 95% of it was put in place, the foundations of our autopilot response.


So I ask you, can you change it? Yes.

First you have to develop awareness of what those things are that drive the autopilot response. We will work on shifting your mindset, but for now, just keep in mind that these autopilot reactions exist, and that there is something you can do about it. [/content_box_light_blue]

[headline_arial_small_left color=”#23629f”]The Problem With Using FEAR to Motivate Better Behavior[/headline_arial_small_left]The other thing I want you to think about is that using fear-based punishments or negative feedback as a response to bad behavior and difficult situations actually serves to lower your child’s self-esteem. If it’s important to you that your child have high self-esteem and that s/he feels good about themselves, then this is something to make note of.

I want you to see if you notice anything about the types of punishments that follow. When we use fear-based punishments like time-outs, or taking things away (or merely threatening to), enforcing a loss of privileges, spanking, etc – what are we doing? All these punishments have one thing in common. Can you guess what it is? All of them invoke in our child a fear of loss or of consequences.

Now, I want you to think back to all the times you have witnessed a child being punished, or perhaps in how you were punished when you were a child, or in how you punish your own kids now. Are/were they designed to get a fear-based response from the child in order to correct the behavior? This can be a little misleading because in a pinch, when you really need to get a better response from your children, using a fear-based method can see an immediate improvement.


In a moment, you’re going to see something that may surprise you. It illustrates quite clearly what happens when you are using a fear-based approach to punishment. I won’t spoil it for you, but rest assured that it’s pretty enlightening.

When we use fear-based punishments as a response they can actually make the behavior worse in the long run. That’s because over time, our kids become more and more immune to our responses and our fear-based threats of punishment or discipline. Once that happens, the negative punishments stop working. So what happens next? We have to escalate our game in order to get the response we want. Eventually they develop immunity to that as well. And so it goes – on and on and on. All positivity has been drained from the relationship and it is in complete breakdown.

So, knowing that, what have you learned? Using fear, making somebody afraid of loss or afraid of us is not a positive way of dealing with the situation.

[headline_tahoma_large_centered color=”#000000″]The Secret of Scream-Free Parenting[/headline_tahoma_large_centered]Now let’s talk about negative versus positive discipline. I won’t go into specific examples like, “If Johnny won’t eat his dinner, here’s what you do.” or “If Sally doesn’t want to go to bed, here’s what you do.” Those sorts of things are all well and good, and I can tell you lots of stories about what works and what doesn’t work for my children. However, what works for me won’t necessarily work for you.

It’s the understanding you gain from learning those life skills and knowing what drives the behaviors that will help to solve the problems for good, rather than any amount of anecdotal stories I could tell.

Negative discipline is defined as any method of dealing with a situation that leaves both parent and child feeling bad about themselves. If you want to know whether or not a particular approach you are using is a positive discipline technique or a negative discipline technique, this is the check-in. This is how you can tell:


Imagine what it would be like if your autopilot responses to your child’s behavior led to a positive experience, for both of you. They would feel good about themselves and so would you. The energy of that exchange will have a ripple effect throughout your day, boosting your productivity, among other things, because you’re not going to be dealing with all this concern and worry weighing on your mind.

[headline_arial_small_left color=”#23629f”]Teach Through Choices and Natural Consequences[/headline_arial_small_left]

In the Blissful Parenting Program, we’ll go through some other very specific examples of teaching through natural consequences and applying positive discipline techniques to whatever situations may arise. The 30 essential tools of Blissful Parenting are all very positive in nature and are effective for dealing with bad behavior without yelling, screaming, and threatening. That, above all else, is why Blissful Parenting works.


Positive discipline serves to raise self-esteem and confidence, so think about what that means to you. If you had the ability to deal with various parenting situations with your (and your kid’s) self-esteem and confidence at an all-time high, why wouldn’t you?

That might sound like a fairy tale right now because the stress of dealing with difficult behavior is preventing it from seeming possible, but I can promise you this, if nothing else – it does get better. The Blissful Parenting program will help you get there.

I’m not sugar-coating anything here. My program won’t magically solve all your problems for you. All it does is show you the way. We’re going to get into the meat of this, just recognize that improvement on this scale is possible if you choose something different. If you learn to become aware of the autopilot, you CAN make a difference. If you figure out what’s serving you, figure out what’s not serving you and then make a change in the future, then you can absolutely achieve this. You can do it by using positive discipline techniques. When you do, not only will your confidence and self-esteem be high, so will your child’s.

[headline_arial_large_centered color=”#000000″]Parenting 3 Boys Really Puts
My Behavior To The Test[/headline_arial_large_centered]chuck2-reversedI am a parent of three young boys, aged nine, five and three. This gives me first-hand experience about how this negative sort of behavior plays out.

When I first became a parent nine years ago, I was completely unprepared for how I was going to be tested as a human being. I was completely unprepared for how my behaviors were going to be tested, and for the notion of how I suddenly had an opportunity to choose the way I responded to these difficult situations.

I made a decision early on that I wanted to take a positive approach in every aspect of my life as a parent. I wanted my experience to be positive and I wanted my children’s experiences to be positive as well. I didn’t want to use disciplines, punishments and other punitive methods that left my kids feeling bad about themselves.

When I was a child in the ’70s there was a vast variety of punishments and negative disciplines. We thought nothing of it then (and most people raised then still don’t), simply because that’s just the way it was. I’m not badmouthing my parents, those were different times. As a society, we’ve learned so much since then, and we live in a world where positive behavior, making a difference and feeling good about ourselves is so important. I knew this and that’s why I made a decision early on that this is what I wanted my experience to be.
[headline_arial_small_left color=”#23629f”]Becoming a Master of My Own Behavior[/headline_arial_small_left]For the past 10 years I’ve worked as a life skills coach, where I’ve helped people with both personal and business goals. In order to be effective in that role I’ve had to learn a lot about human behavior particularly my own. I’ve gone through loads of personal development courses, programs, training and mentoring in order to be able to serve my clients the best way I can.

Now, what’s interesting about this is, the life skills that I have used in my role as a coach have definitely been put to the test as a parent. I now get to look at myself in the mirror and ask: how do I use those skills, how do I learn directly from my kids, and how do I put all that together? By looking at my own behavior in relation to the behavior of my children, I learn how to be a better parent.

It’s a combination of all of these experiences that has become the foundation for what I call Blissful Parenting, and that’s what this program all about.
[content_box_grey width=”95%”][headline_arial_medium_left color=”#FF0000″]Is Your Behavior The Cause Of Your Child’s Behavior?
The Sooner You Know, The Better[/headline_arial_medium_left]
First of all, I feel you deserve some acknowledgment. The very fact that you are here reading this page means that you have the courage to seek solutions to a very serious problem. If it leads you to look further into the Blissful Parenting Online Course, even better. This is just the first step.

We all want to do a good job raising our children. We want them to be healthy and happy. We want to help them to become respectful, responsible adults, and help them to learn valuable life skills so they can deal with their emotions as well as difficult situations. When they do, we want them to be able to do so having the utmost respect for themselves, other people around them, their community, and the planet.

This starts with you. You have the courage to take action, to learn what you need to learn, and get the tools that can help you and your family be the best it can be. That’s exactly what you’re going to get by signing up for this 6-Part FREE Blissful Parenting Starter Kit. This program promises no easy answers, but will give you the guidance you need to find them for yourself.

I also want to acknowledge you because you’re not a bad parent. Everything you’ve tried up until now got you this far, you’ve used the tools you’ve got, and now you’re taking responsibility. You’re adding to your existing skill set. Your focus is on improving yourself so that you can have that positive effect on your children.

[/content_box_grey][headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″]Here’s what you’ll receive when you sign up.[/headline_arial_small_centered][headline_tahoma_large_centered color=”#23629F”]The 6-Part FREE Blissful Parenting Starter Kit[/headline_tahoma_large_centered]

[three_columns_1]Mother with her daughter[headline_arial_medium_left color=”#00CCFF”]Part 1:[/headline_arial_medium_left][headline_arial_small_left color=”#000000″]The Secret of
Scream-Free Parenting[/headline_arial_small_left]You’ll begin your journey by figuring out what kind of relationship that you really want to have with your kids. Rather than spending time trying to solve their behavior issues, we focus on developing a new relationship that influences their behavior for the better.
[/three_columns_1][three_columns_2]Mother and daughter[headline_arial_medium_left color=”#00CCFF”]Part 2:[/headline_arial_medium_left][headline_arial_small_left color=”#000000″]The Art of Getting Your Kids To Listen[/headline_arial_small_left]Learn the ONE major communication error that leads to 99% of all misunderstandings, arguments, and conflict. Once you fully understand this one simple communication principle, you can proactively choose your words so that your kids will listen.
[/three_columns_2][three_columns_3]Candy number five[headline_arial_medium_left color=”#00CCFF”]Part 3:[/headline_arial_medium_left][headline_arial_small_left color=”#000000″]The 5-Step Problem Solving Formula[/headline_arial_small_left]This is a systematic approach to solving any parenting problem with ease. Instead of taking shortcuts and trying the same thing over and over again trying to get a different result, you will learn how to properly evaluate any problem so that you can pick the best solution.
[three_columns_1]stress free [headline_arial_medium_left color=”#00CCFF”]Part 4:[/headline_arial_medium_left][headline_arial_small_left color=”#000000″]Become Stress-Free In 10 Minutes A Day[/headline_arial_small_left]Imagine if you could close your eyes for just 10 minutes and all of your stress and worries for the day would simply melt away and disappear. You will learn a simple technique for relieving stress instantly as well as a proactive approach to preventing it.

[headline_arial_medium_left color=”#00CCFF”]Part 5:[/headline_arial_medium_left][headline_arial_small_left color=”#000000″]Reclaiming Control Over Your Busy Schedule[/headline_arial_small_left]When parents become too busy, they tend to take shortcuts with their parenting that actually leads to outbursts of bad behavior. Many of the behavior challenges that parents face would simply disappear if only they had more time teaching and communicating with their kids.
[headline_arial_medium_left color=”#00CCFF”]Part 6:[/headline_arial_medium_left][headline_arial_small_left color=”#000000″]Developing A Family Code of Honor[/headline_arial_small_left]Champion sports teams, firefighters, and even the military use a code of honor to bond and to come together as a cohesive group. Simply put, a code of honor is a set of rules or principles that everyone in the family plays a role in setting, enforcing, and refining.
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In accordance with the latest FTC guidelines, we want to make it explicitly clear that the results explained here are based on the unique experiences and circumstances of a few people only. We cannot promise that you will experience similar benefits from using our product. The generally expected performance of the Blissful Parenting System in regards to any specific behavior disorder has not been scientifically validated and we cannot and will not make any promises in regards to any miracle cures.