
101 Solutions – 1 Tool

Blissful Parenting author, Charles Murray Anderson, has helped over 6,972 parents world-wide, to regain their sanity after dealing with what seemed like constant and never-ending conflicts, battles, and power struggles with their children. He explains how all bad behavior can be categorized into only 4 causes. This means that if you simply react with out using this tool to determine the exact cause, you only have a 1 in 4 chance of choosing the correct response. That’s a 75% chance that you’re using the wrong response to the behavior, which only makes things worse.

In this video, you will learn about 1 simple tool that you can use to correctly identify the REAL CAUSE of the behavior, every time. In fact, he’ll even give you the tool for FREE! When you learn to master this tool, you’ll become able to completely transform how your kids respond to you and your requests so you’ll no longer need to use punishments and time-outs to get them to behave …

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For a limited time only, you can get FREE Instant Acceess to our #1 tool for solving child behavior issues with accuracy and ease! Never again will you have to resort to painful guesswork. When you get this checklist and follow the accompanying video training, you’ll be able to choose the right response to any type of behavior.


[headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″]Follow More than 6,972 Subscribers and Master the Science of Blissful Parenting.[/headline_arial_small_centered]

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You are about to embark on a transformational journey that will forever change the way you view yourself as a parent, as well as the relationships that you have with your children and your partner. You will discover in yourself a whole new awareness of your role as a parent that will affect the future behavior of your kids.

With this new awareness, you will become responsible for influencing how your children behave and how you and your partner respond to this behavior. This does not imply that you are to blame. Rather it suggests that you have more power available to you than you realize and that you can learn to wield it constructively.

You’ve definitely come to the right place if you are a parent or caregiver dealing with an unruly child, where it seems like there’s no way to make things right. The tantrums, the out-of-control behavior and the public displays of that behavior must stop.[headline_tahoma_large_centered color=”#000000″]Blissful Parenting Is A Positive Scream-Free Approach[/headline_tahoma_large_centered]It’s not positive thinking, that’s completely different. We’re talking about taking a positive approach. What is meant by a positive approach is this: taking actions in parenting that leave both you and your children feeling good about yourselves. When you feel good about yourself as a parent, what’s going to happen to your self-esteem and your confidence? They’re going to go up, right? What do you think is going to happen to your children’s self-esteem and confidence when yours improves? Naturally, it’s going to up for them as well.


When the self-esteem and confidence of both you and your child goes up, that’s when you are really going to start enjoying the positive experience that raising your children should be. When moods and mindsets improve, everyone feels good about themselves, as opposed to using punishments and disciplines that only serve to leave people feeling bad about themselves. After all, who says that we have to feel bad in order to do better? That’s what Blissful Parenting is all about.

[headline_arial_small_left color=”#23629f”]Tired of Yelling & Screaming At Your Kids?[/headline_arial_small_left]Many methods parents use today are done so on autopilot, or are nothing more than instinctual reactions to what’s going on – based on how they were themselves raised. Those techniques are, in most cases, actually causing children to feel bad about themselves, rather than feeling good. If it is important to you that your children have high confidence and high self-esteem, then it is important to know what the effect is that these other parenting techniques can have.

Here’s a scenario that’s probably all too familiar to you – say you go to the grocery store and see the family with the out-of-control kids. Their parent(s) don’t know what to do. It’s embarrassing and they can’t fix it, so they go nuts. All rational thought goes out the window. They start yelling, then screaming, then pleading, then arguing, then threatening. “I’m going to tantrum-300x226take this away if you don’t shape up!” All of these different responses come to the fore, and what effect do they have on the child?

Now imagine yourself in their shoes. Maybe you’ve been there more times than you’d like to recall. There’s no blame here, just bear in mind that going at it that way doesn’t leave the child feeling good about their self, and it certainly doesn’t feel good for you as a parent, does it? So it’s important to understand that a lot of these punishments and disciplines are often our own autopilot reactions that come up whenever we’re faced with a difficult situation. They aren’t the end-all be-all solution.

[features_box_light_blue width=”95%” + border=”1px”][headline_tahoma_large_centered color=”#AA0000″]Are You Feeling Challenged
By Your Child’s Behavior?[/headline_tahoma_large_centered]
[headline_arial_small_centered color=”#000000″]Which of THESE behaviors are you having to deal with on a regular basis?[/headline_arial_small_centered]
[four_columns_1][black_tick_list width=”100%”]

  • perfectionist
  • sensitive to criticism
  • poor attention lack of focus
  • concentration / distracted
  • doesn’t finish things
  • can’t sit still
  • worries – needs constant reassurance
  • tired / fatigue
  • calls themselve stupid or dumb
  • not hungry – poor appeitite
  • morning time hassles
  • negative attitude
  • saying no (to what you ask)
  • obedience
  • poor sportsmanship
  • sleeping through night
  • tattling
  • temper tantrums
  • touching things told not to
  • unmotivated & uninterested
  • values & manners
  • constant whining
  • weaning
  • won’t talk to me
  • power struggles
  • video games (electronics of any kind)

[/black_tick_list][/four_columns_1] [four_columns_2][black_tick_list width=”100%”]

  • excessive talking
  • disorganized – loses things
  • doesn’t follow rules
  • won’t apologize – feel sorry
  • risky or dangerous activities
  • runs away
  • skipping school
  • blames others
  • doesn’t take responsiblity
  • won’t brush teeth
  • cruelty to others
  • hurting animals
  • crying
  • death and grief
  • defiance, disobedience, rebellious
  • lying
  • stealing
  • cheating
  • angry
  • aggressive
  • ADD & ADHD
  • back talk
  • disrespect
  • bed time
  • bullying
  • and much, much, more …


[/four_columns_2] [four_columns_3][black_tick_list width=”100%”]

  • complaining & pouting
  • practicing (sports, music, other activities)
  • procrastination
  • destructive (destroying property)
  • clean up messy room
  • problems at school
  • doing homework
  • skipping school
  • separation anxiety
  • sex education
  • sexual abuse
  • sharing/selfishness
  • misbehave while shopping
  • sickness
  • demanding
  • depressed
  • doctors, dentists, haircuts
  • meal time
  • fairness/jealousy
  • fears
  • fighting
  • swearing & foul language
  • gaining friends
  • shyness
  • clothing (what to wear)

[/black_tick_list][/four_columns_3] [four_columns_4][black_tick_list width=”100%”]

  • being sneaky
  • sleeps in late/won’t wake up
  • jumping on furniture
  • name calling
  • threatening
  • hiding from you (others)
  • potty training
  • confidence
  • self esteem
  • bad habits
  • hitting
  • homework
  • interupting
  • listening
  • manipulation
  • masturbation
  • materialism
  • bed-wetting
  • biting
  • boredom
  • in the car
  • cell phones
  • Facebook & social media
  • bath time
  • chores


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In accordance with the latest FTC guidelines, we want to make it explicitly clear that the results explained here are based on the unique experiences and circumstances of a few people only. We cannot promise that you will experience similar benefits from using our product. The generally expected performance of the Blissful Parenting System in regards to any specific behavior disorder has not been scientifically validated and we cannot and will not make any promises in regards to any miracle cures.